Blog Comments

Kinetica Online is pleased to provide direct links to commentaries from our senior editor Dr. Steven Pelech has posted on other blogs sites. Most of these comments appear on the GenomeWeb Daily Scan website, which in turn highlight interesting blogs that have been posted at numerous sites in the blogosphere since the beginning of 2010. A wide variety of topical subjects are covered ranging from the latest scientific breakthroughs, research trends, politics and career advice. The original blogs and Dr. Pelech’s comments are summarized here under the title of the original blog. Should viewers wish to add to these discussions, they should add their comments at the original blog sites.

The views expressed by Dr. Pelech do not necessarily reflect those of the other management and staff at Kinexus Bioinformatics Corporation. However, we wish to encourage healthy debate that might spur improvements in how biomedical research is supported and conducted.

Nothing Is Sacred

Submitted by S. Pelech - Kinexus on Sun, 12/25/2011 - 17:03.
With around a million scientific papers published annually, it is not surprising that some of these papers are retracted. Even though there has been a rise in the recent rate of retractions from journals, the overall numbers of flagged publications are still relatively miniscule. There are a lot more problematic scientific papers out there in the literature. There really needs to be the wide spread implementation of post-publication peer review that is directly linked to the original scientific work. The additions of commentaries that provide supplementary support or refutes the findings of the published paper, perhaps as comments from other scientist that fully disclose their identities, is probably the best solution. If a publication garners too many negative comments from the community, then the publication should be ultimately expunged from the journal record. With the imminent launch of Kinetica Online from Kinexus Bioinformatics Corporation, this is a system that we plan to adopt as we publish original studies, initially from our own company.

Link to the original blog post