Research Articles

Kinetica Online features full length, scientific articles based on original research carried out by Kinexus scientists and their collaborators. Our objectives are to provide insightful analyses on topics of interest to the broad community of scientists engaged in the study of cell signalling systems. This includes the consolidation and distillation of interesting findings from our open-access KiNET DataBank and SigNET KnowledgeBank. These publications and their supporting data are freely available, and can be fully reproduced for scholarly purposes if the original publication is cited as recommended in the individual articles.

In many cases, the posted work has received pre-publication peer-review, but we welcome and value the input of knowledgeable individuals in the Commentary Section for each article. Such comments may be submitted to identify problematic issues with the methods and interpretation of the findings. We also encourage further insights that contribute to improved understanding of the topic of each article. All comments are vetted before posting to ensure relevance, high professional standards, and the submitters and their primary affiliations must be identified for full transparency. We believe that open, post-publication peer-review can provide a higher degree of rigor than is afforded by most traditional journals.

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Pertussis toxin induces angiogenesis in brain microvascular endothelial cells

Lu C, Pelech S, Zhang H, Bond J, Spach K, Blankenhorn R, Teuscher C
Journal of Neuroscience Research, May 2008, E-Published
PMID: 18500752

Neuromuscular dysfunction in the mutant superoxide dismutase mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Parkhouse W, Cunningham L, McFee I, Litt Miller J, Whitney D, Pelech S, Krieger C
Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis, 2008, Volume 9, No. 1, pp. 24-34
PMID: 18273716

Alpha-Synuclein activates stress signaling protein kinases in THP-1 cells and microglia

Klegeris A, Pelech S, Giasson B, Maguire J, Zhang H, McGeer E, McGeer P
Neurobiology of Aging, May 2008, Volume 29, No. 5, pp. 739-752
PMID: 17166628

Protective up-regulation of CK2 mutant Huntington in cells co-expressing NMDA receptors

Fan M, Zhang H, Hayden M, Pelech S, Raymond L
Journal of Neurochemistry, February 2008, Volume 104, No. 3, pp. 790-805
PMID: 17971125